Only Blk-40 unit to meet stds across all lagging indicators/12 mo avg - Directed 3 Health of Fleet briefs; advised Wg ldrshp on base comparison data--85% MC rate/CAF best F-16s - Revised Wg mx scheduling; merged hourly insps/egress/gun time chgs--TNMCM rate 6.6%, down 3%/std 14%, - Selected Mx Lead for 3-mo/6 exer/$400K < budget TDY; 18 acft/400 Amn--835 sorties/>1K hrs/83% MC rate - Recognized as top SNCO/leader/mentor; Coined by MXG for outstanding performance Ex RED FLAG 14-03 - Managed TDY prep; nailed 66 NATO sorties/16 incentive flts/26K muns--1st F-16s to drop bombs in Poland Served over 24 years in the United States Air Force. - Led execution of CDDAR EX; ID'd 3 areas of improvement to MXG/CC--ensured readiness of Crash Recovery Tm Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. - Aided RCAF transient C-17; co'ord w/521 AMOW/initated prts exchange/$80K--FMC w/in 24hrs--fortified relations - Functional expert; assisted NBG/A4 w/ AFI 21-123 ANG SUP development--provided vital guidance all ANG wings, - Generated launch/recovery of 400 combat sorties; 4.0K flt hours/14K images/700 airstrikes/19 TICs/127 pri tgts - Mngd $66M muns prgm; voiced EOG/CC WRM worries to HQ--coord crit acft muns change <2 days w/CAOC - Produced 2nd largest 4-day 31 FW surge, Dec 10; gen'd 20 a/c for 391 of 400 sorties--amaxing 83% MC rate 1A6X1 Flight Attendant. This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. . - Steered 12 CANNs/5 REDIs; alleviated OCONUS supply limfacs/Gen'd 2 VPOTUS supt msns <24 hrs/124k tns del'd - Coord'd with NSA & CIA; liaised reach-back/reach-fwd capes--directly led to 8 air-strikes/destroy'd 46 tgts/0 civcas - Sync'd muns for 14 PL-1 STRIKE sorties--NSI "Outstanding" & "Best in USAFE" w/'15 NDO Team Awd win - Drove DOD/DHS security rqmt; led 35-person tm/authored PLANORD/taskedops unit--resolved 98 vuls/44 locations - Executed Op ATLANTIC RESOLVE; drove 87.8% 8-hr fix rate/keyed 255 sorties--deterred Russian hostility - Guided OIR prep; gen'd 10 acft/deployed 6--1st Blk 40 F-16 unit/GBU-39 combat releases on ISIS in Syria - Orchestrated Portugal WTD recovery plan; 12 acft beddown <3 hrs/10 quick turned in ? - Ex REAL THAW project officer; 221 Amn/16 F-16s/20T cargo--536 bombs/12K rnds on target/98% rel rate - Seelessly absorbed 12 sister AMU a/c; rolled into daily mx/flying sched--reaped 99.8% MSE/beat 95% std Authored guidance for In-flight air refueling operations. - Effective communicator; displays keen ability to convey complex subjects to subordinates--an asset to training prgm - Exceptional leader; enforced standards, cultivated professional atmosphere in Spec Flt--a role model for 30+ airmen - Exceptional role model; participated in Pilot for a Day Program--extended hand of compassion to child in need - Superbly sync'd 12 engine borescope insps w/ a/c phase insps--saved 576 hrs/reduced a/c downtime by 50% - Fearless NCO; identified/stopped behavior risking group conflict or harassment claims; held w/c to standards Flight Engineer functional manager, directs training and utilization of 57 personnel; coordinates yearly assignments and sets training requirements. - Balanced mx priorities; fused 30 egress/15 gun/13 phase insps w/FHP/TDYs--3.5K sorties/4.3K hrs achieved - Mx guru; juggled 32 Phase insps/24hr Alert msn; upheld Afghanistan's only fighter CAS/aided 174 GBUs on-tgt - Deployed 18 acft/400 prsnl/ for Ex GF/RF/CA; $6.1M, $400K < budget TDY--835 sorties/1,182 hrs/83% MC, - Deployed 71 Amn to AEF/enabled no-notice Poland FTD--expedited 75K muns/49 acft sync'd/336 S/Ts equip - Workcenter training manager; facilitated annual training with a group of 12 airmen; 100% members fully trained. - Mastered ASIP pgm; achieved 94% capture rt, Aug '13, #1 mo ever--best AMU qtr score in USAFE for 5 yrs Contact - Oversaw 136 QVIs/PEs on 17 PMEL techs/2.9K mx actions; 12 faulty processes id'd/fixed--yrly qual rate 98%, - oversaw FM Systems Section; administered access for 40+ users to 10 systems--critical to wing financial mgmt ops - #1 choice for interim 1st Sgt x17 days; served 5 Sq/6 CCs--ensured discipline/morale/well-being for 337 prsnl EPR Bullets - Air Force Hub EPR Bullets Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. - Resurrected $33M acft, grounded 374 days! Chief Master Sergeant Darwin P. Mallari is the 436th Force Support Superintendent. change vs. depot return; enabled local mx on 88 missiles--saved $1M ship costs; AF-wide impact, - Resourceful ldr; pioneered IMC trng, base ECAS, 16-ship msns w/CSG, int'l CAS/DCA--honed FW cmbt edge - Guided trng opportunity for 183 mx prsnl; 204T muns expended, largest in RF history--30 pilots cmbt certified - Championed Op OAKEN LOTUS; 6 acft on alert <12 hrs/3 flew--safed 152 civ/39 vehicles during Libya evac USAF - City, STATE. - Versatile leader; augmented as 510th AMU Production Superintendent--led 32 JNCOs/SNCOs/governed FHP. - Directed DEPOT Field Team mx; 26 engine OTI's achieved < 2 wks--led 6 of 10 CAF mx indicators last 12M, - Directed mx for Exer MAROON BULLDOZER 14-2; gen'd 12 acft/64 sorties--Wg earned "Satisfactory" rating Ensuring that all the equipment is regularly maintained is the job of Maintenance Management Production specialists. - Superb leader w/ outstanding work ethic; exceptional managerial skills/judgment--promote at first opportunity - Top professional committed to excellence--SNCOY of 14 staff agencies; base FM position a must, SMSgt now - Head and shoulders above peers! - Mission-focused; provided a/c & mx'ers for pilot acceptance trng--enhanced critical aircrew surety readiness, - Mng'd 3,166 strict QA insps; 12-mo high 94% QA compliance--24% of Sq on QA Honor Roll; highest in MXG This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. - Bolstered Top 3 speed mentoring event; mentored/energized 15 Jr NCOs in 1 hr--event lauded by 31 FW/CCC - Revamped F-16 hung gun emergency procedures; ramp cleared in 15 mins--safely turned next sorties/0 mishaps - Exceptional NCO/CS; obligated $78k of NGB funded/Wing desired EOY items, $0 turned back in to NGB - Ensured a/c detection sys capability; managed 26 threat warning sys verification insp's--100% conflict ready - Led Exer RF packout; staged 40ST eqpmt, enabled 190 bombs/159 rockets/10 missiles fired--32 pilots CMR Resource Advisor EPR Bullets Resource Advisor EPR Bullets Key Duties: - Focal point for unit funds expenditures for over 950+ personnel & 42 work centers supporting fleet of 94 F-15E acft - Manages/supervise squadron budget in excess of $750K for Operations and Maintenance and Cost Per Flying Hour The problem is how to make those bullet statements sound good! - Assessed missile sys readiness; 89/89 sorties/16 missiles fired/100% release rate--ZD from Archer evaluators - Gen'd 4 a/c for no-notice OUP task < 4 hrs; continuous ATO ops during local ORE gen of 18 a/c & AEF swap - Projo for $139K/6 jet/79 Amn USAFE exer; integrat'd 3x MWS/19 acft--1st in CAF to pioneer D-SEAD TTPs - Led compliance-based culture; instilled focus on tech data/safety--nailed 2.6K QA insps/90% pass rate, 1Q15 - Championed Amari FTD; led 75 Amn/14 acft during EUCOM joint ops--20 NATO pilots combat cert'd/AF 1st - Generated 16 acft during Exer REAL THAW '14; 152 sorties/83.7% MC rate--15 pilots NATO-Strike certif'd - Authored trng day lesson plan; taught 3-hr acft status session/4 SNCOs & 5 NCOs--93% QA pass rate/30 insps, - Balanced ATO/training sorties/two local depot upgrades while supporting OOD--zero ATO/trng sorties lost See also: Intelligence Awards and Decorations. - Fwd thinker; instituted deeper-look initiative for complex a/c breaks--key to excellent 3.8% rep/rec rate, FY09, - Go-to SNCO; coordinated a/c static display/wpns load for HAF A10 visit--showcased 31 FW PL-1 mission - Promoted safe/secure/reliable mx stds; guided 5,521 insps--sq upheld excellent 91% QA pass rate for FY14 - Directed 18 CANN actions; validated 12 MICAP reqs/ mx fixes--7.6% BLK-40 F-16 TNMCM rate led CAF - Trn'd/cert'd two Pro Supers; exceptional release/database/I O qual'd--increased section efficency by 50 %, - Unit IO expert; trained five fellow SNCOs on proper a/c impoundment clearing procedures; raised qual's 32% - Supervised 425 hyd component repairs; returned $5.1M assets to AF supply system--enabled 9K flying hrs '12 - Wpns Lead for Strike Ex prep/gens; coord'd crucial a/c prep/security/wpns load--20 load crews war-ready - Dominated mx on AF's only nuke F-16 fleet; 3K sorties/#1 FSE in wg--catalyst, 510 FS Best FS in USAFE '12 - Developed ldrs! The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Expedited IFE response; led ? - Aviano 1st! - ORE Lead; prepped 250 personnel/15 of 18 a/c gen'd/accepted by WgEET--secured overall "Excellent" rating - Guided LOTI 24 hrs prior to Feb 09 Deci WTD; seven brake lines replaced/10 hrs--15-ship launched on time, - Handpicked 5 SMEs for Sq Support Tiger Team; ID'd/corrected 60+ errors--solidified critical unit NCE prgm Led 16 mbrs/aced 3 APO SAVs--ID'd/dev'd CAPs f/30 discrepanciesprovided trng f/60 Jt prsnl - Sq Ex DECISIVE SOUTH team lead; liaised w/ 6 nations/organized log supt--safeguarded CSAF's #1 priority, - Steered 15 wpns configs; 204T of ordnance loaded, "Largest RF allocation"--40 pilots afforded rare tng event - Developed OPLAN training scenario--trained manpower personnel; enhanced unit's critical wartime capability - Coordinated cross-country F-16 parts runs; TDY aircraft repaired same day--saved AF $130K shipping costs - Authored minor findings index; dev'd 17 gp's f/862 inputs/provided ldrshp w/insp defects--MGA id'd as "best practice", - Authored QA database implementation; executed in one mo/three mos std--protected AFI compliance/#WG/Sq/CC vis Slashed TDY reqt/tailor'd 62 increments utilizing on-station eqpmt--svd $32K trans costs - Led 234 Amn/8 AFSCs; enabled 6.8K sorties/9.7K hrs--cemented 84.2% MC rate, FY14/best Blk-40 sq in AF To introduce managing multiple CE personnel (mil & civ) and better understand the working relationship between flights, career fields, AFCEC, MAJCOMs, AFIMSC, and Air Staff personnel. - Earned 9 semester hrs toward BS in Business Admin/earned Airframe & Powerplant Cert--pushed 8 peers enrollment Trained and evaluated 28 in-flight refueling specialists and 110 personnel. - Builds leaders; steered 2 towards Pro Mgrs Certification, 5 Amn awd'd CCAF/4 Amn c/w PME in-residence Starting Oct. 1, senior noncommissioned officers currently known as superintendents will ditch that job title to go by senior enlisted leader, according to an Aug. 4 Air Force memo signed by Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles CQ Brown. - Attacked AFRICOM tasking; gen'd 14 cmbt a/c < 40 hrs/7K rnds & 28K lbs muns loaded--31 FW cmbt-ready! - Finished Conflict Mgmt crse; implemented problem solving/resolution techniques--enhanced ldrshp abilities 1A7X1 Aerial Gunner. - Maximized scheduled down time; repaired >60 delayed discrepancies--demolished CAF std by 2.4% FY14, - Maximized scheduled mx down time; 26K mx actions/14 TCTOs/9 OTIs--Wg MSE 98.2%, beat CAF 95% std The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Cord'd psnl/mx, sustained Op INHERENT RESOLVE; ensured 6 a/c FMC--boosted allies/NATO support met - Strict supply chain ovrsight of 1.4K/$40M MICAPS, 1.7K/$66M DIFMs--impacted CAF best 8/10 mx metrics Both levels of superintendent are more concerned with manning, admin, personnel, and training issues that day-to-day operations on the flight line. - Fused 5 sect's/>230 mbrs/5 AFSCs; 50 prgms insp'd--zero maj defects/4 benchmark prgms/high moral '14 UEI - Sparked AMU self-help project during WTD; revitalized facility/14 a/c shelters--miraculous transformation Sometimes it takes a certain amount of motivation to get Airmen to change their behavior. - Dominated 4-day/5-go surge; overcame challenging 19.1% break rate--drove 163 flts/95.8% FSE rate, Dec '13 Thanks! - Critically analyzed DCPDS RPA; ID 17 erroneous pos--realigned/secured $1.3M in snow removal resources, - Cultivated atmosphere of harmony and trust--responsible for sq-wide climate improvement; reinforced AF values, - Delegated effectively; trusted workctr Amn with msn--discovered, remedied obstacles, improved site output 40% Outstanding ldr, sprinting past peers, groom f/ldrshp; ready Flt/CC now--perfect for PDE soonest! - Comp'd 50 major insps/781 findings--'16 UEI Capstone/1st-ever Highly-Effective CCIP rating/best WIT/AF, - Competitively selected for RAS prgm; chosen to advise Sr Ldrs w/regional expertise--8% prgm selection rate - Integrated a/c upgrades w/FHP; led 598 TCTO completions--84.5% 12M Blk-40 F-16 MC rate best in CAF - Adhered to and enforced Air Force standards--set the example for subordinates and peers & sustained morale - Administered awards, promotions & disciplinary actions with clarity and consistency--backed peers/supervisors - Aided Wg PA wksp; directed 30 SMEs & vetted 110 processes--poised to right-size 1180 rqmt/valued $98.4M It's the impact portion of the EPR Bullet, the positive result of an accomplishment, that give us the most frustration. - Perfectly controlled 1200 deployed troops; ensured safe operating environment and achieved all objectives Squadron Superintendent/Program Manager, 05/2002 to 11/2006. - Refined production knowledge; trained 2 SNCOs on mx prioritization/rgmts--increased section capability 25% - Managed 51 F-16s/7.3K sorties/24 TCTOs/ 20 phase/26 guns/12 OTIs--unit crushed UEI/NSSAV/Strike Evals, - Managed Ex IRON HAND prep; 78 prsnl/6 acft/19 sorties--first in CAF to demo multi-MDS SEAD techniques - Revamped AMU shift schedules; right people in right place/time; maintained 6.0% abort rate, Nov 08-Jan 09 - Mx juggernaut; balanced 3 Phase insps/acft BDR/24hr Alert msn; sustained Afghan theater's only fighter CAS - Expertly led 234 Amn & 8 AFSCs; managed 750 repairs--90% MC rate, best AMU BLK-40 F-16 rate in CAF - Lean minded leader! - Led IG prep efforts; 500+ CENTCOM checklist items inspected/reported--unit in compliance/inspection ready, - Mature leader; won't compromise standards; enforced Air Force standards of conduct among subordinates, - Mngd wg-lvl programs; tracked/validated/processed 156 evals, awards, decs, pers actions--98% on-time rate, - Outstanding NCO; unrivaled mgmt skills & technical competence, mission focused--active & highly effective leader, - Oversaw $60K COMSEC/IT equipment in high-threat AOR; program 100% compliant with COCOM policies, - Proficient maintainer; provided unmatched support to 113 ACA mission; won 2013 MG Wm Abernathy Award, - Recognized and accepted personal assets and liabilities; displayed exceptional military professionalism, - Stand-out SNCO; seamless transition from tech expert to manager/mentor of Amn--highly effective, msn focused ldr, - Superb expeditor; coordinated homestation avionics maintenance during TSP; generated more than 276 sorties, - Wingman focused; active member of Maintenance Group MWR committee--improved well being of 150 fellow amn. This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. - Directed restructure of APG trng prgm; 5 7-levels/1 5-level upgraded in 1 mo--eliminated ancillary overdues - AOR-wide integration SME; fused CJSOAC/U-28s/AC-130/F-16 ops--refined key emplymnt/protection TTPs Their skills are monitored and inspected regularly by some of the career field's most knowledgeable maintainers. - Aggressive leadership; id'd/replaced faulty NCE eqpt, zero unit discrepancies in NSI--earned top rating "Sat" Examples of Maintenance Superintendent EPR Bullets. They oversee and install the systems that launch, release and monitor bombs, rockets, and missiles. - Implemented Repair Network Integration sizing efforts; shifted $600K to critical AFSCs--AF saved $45M/5yrs - Crafted/mentored winning team; flt earned Sq Chief's Choice Awd x2--AEW/CC coined 6 mbrs/1 by CFACC - Maintenance tactician; focused flightline efforts clearing 24 DD's; slashed AMU rate--bested CAF std by 25% That could mean that a technical sergeant holds the post in one detachment, while a chief master sergeant holds it in another. Oversees fleet management and accounts for vehicle fleet. - Led reconfiguration of six a/c; coordinated muns delivery/prioritized mx actions--OUP tasking met in < 6 hrs - #1/50 SNCOs! - Innovative; implemented genex muns delivery/expenditure process; ensured accurate documentation/tracking, - Inspired tm; 2x Wpn Mx Trucks detail'd/work area streamlin'd--lauded Best in USAFE by NSSAV Tm Chief - Prioritized wkly mx goals; 325 calendar insp/50 time change items completed in AOR--100% ATO lines met - Oversaw acft investigation/impound; teamed w/engineers/Wg Safety--mng'd $334K Class C mishap recovery - Surety expert; '14 NATO Strike Eval "best ever"/'15 NSI best possible rating "Sat"--boosted POTUS' top msn - Drove 6.7K sorties/9.7K hrs; sustained avg 12-mo 85% MC rate, AF's highest--Sq '14 Mx Effectiveness Awd - Revamped personnel schedules; maximized workforce/increased tech availability by 17%--slashed DDs 48% - Influential SNCO; sparked 21-mbr ldrshp & dev; flt reaped 1 BTZ/3 NCO promotions/6 sq awds--promote to SMSgt! - Managed 428 US/NATO transient a/c; processed 19.7K pax/181 DVs/>1.8K ton cargo--stellar 0% divert rate - Revamped Unit PQDR program; Saved 302nd $200,497 in 1 year attributing to a 75% increase from last year, - Scheduled recurring, emergency maintenance on work center equip--foresight produced data on target at 99% rate! - Est'd SSR trn crs; saved SOCCENT $250k annl/440 hrs/prep'd 45 operators--secured $8B SOF assets/12K ISR mbr's, - Established CSS intern prgm f/postal 3F5s; trained 15 prsnl prior PCS'g--bolstered CC admin spt f/future assignments - Executed all EMXS F-16 impounds; val'd sys repairs/advised EMXG/CC--4 acft/$25M in assets/zero repeats - Sustained fleet health; oversaw 9 SABCA depot inputs coord'd parts backfill--zero late deliveries or returns, - Teamed w/Ops; reformulated FHP plan/integrated 2x hot pits--4 BMC upgrades/3 Instructor Pilots certified - Directed 65 Amn/1.5K repairs; readied >60 acft/six MDSs--enabled >5.8K sorties/ >37K flt hrs/96% ME rate We cant just think Air Force, we have to think joint, so were integrated and aligned to win the future fight.. - Mng'd risk analysis CONOP dvlpmnt; sync'd 3 sqs/2 msn partners--established external flight safety rvw for 355M SVs, - Orchestrated advanced HAZMAT audit tng; 14 QA inspectors qual'd/42 hrs--best trnd team >20 yrs/incr pass rate 5% - Expedit'd AMC & AFCENT crit rqmnts; fill'd 311 MICAPs/$2.3M--enabl'd 162 mobility acft msns/ISIS axed/166 BoT - Selected to briefed facility plan to 3AF/CC; demo'd current vs desired state--secured $2M fundingLauded! - Devised MRT in response to stranded F-16; ADG replaced in just 3 days--enabled a/c safe RTB in min time, - Devised Wg's NSSAV acft generation plan; 3 acft/11 NCE assets/22 people--AMXS no maj/sig discrepancies When your Troop Doesn't Play Ball - Tracked 1K DIFMs/125 Cann actions/12 PQDRs; zero assets lost/no report errors--returned >$250K to 31 FW - Melded 25K flightline tasks w/ 18 TCTOs/12 OTIs/15 phases; vaulted CAF leading 98.4% MSE rate, FY12 - Focused unit LNSI prep; executed NCE insp plan/zero defects noted USAFE IG--secured "Satisfactory" rating - Supported AFRICOM tasking; managed 6 alert acft/8 mos/24/7--postured Wg to respond to Middle East unrest - #1/145 O-3s & #1/6 Wpns Ofcrs, FW/CC; #1/61 OG CGOs; "best sq wpns ofcr I've seen in my 19 yrs," Sq/CC - Rallied section; tackled 17K mx actions/81K mx hrs--met MXG goal8 acft w/in 5 days/backlog under 4K hrs - Assembled/led generation Tiger Team; rectified 200 disc's/streamlined gen flow plan--ORE 09-11"Excellent" 1A4X1 Airborne Operations. Contribute to AF-VCD/bullet-scraper development by creating an account on GitHub. - Guided flawless AEF 9/10 deployment prep; gen'd 18 a/c during OOD--555 FS XC to AOR/zero ATO delays - Postured/deployed 18 acft <48 hrs for no-notice TDY as POTUS Crimean response--fortified NATO alliance - Completed NCO professional enhancment crse; increasd knowledge, value to AF--commendable 86% class average, - Completed SEJPME course; honed joint ops leadership skills--enhanced 2 RAZOR TALON exercises/saved $37K - Crucial UCC mbr; drove on/off duty accountability/post-attack events 34 IDF attacks; assured 202 sq prsnl safe - Managed monthly flying schedule; avg contracted sorties 330/390 flown--30 CMR/BMC certified aircrew avg - Built perfect response to F-16 divert to Croatia; 10-man team/$1.5M/800K lbs--plan benchmarked by 31 LRS, - Championed 12 major mx events; 9 Weighs/4 Gears/3 ADG time chgs--nailed impressive 98% MSE rate, Feb Trusted expert, mentor & leader; delivered C2ISR to 8 COCOMS--promote! It could also clear up confusion in units that have multiple superintendents with different duties. To be promoted to Master Sergeant (E-7) you will need 8 years of service and 24 months of being in the E-6 grade and you must acquire a 7-skill level. - Projo'd f/ AATTC; piloted 9 mbr team/gen'd 18 srts f/ missile/combat threat trng--multiplied 6 mbr air crew tm capes - Top-notch Pro-super; gen'd 700 sorties/6.5% 8-hr fix rate/3% repeat/recur rate--crushed toughest mx ind stds - USAFE 3F5 SME! Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. Brush up on your enlisted vocabulary, airmen: Theres a new duty title in town. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. - Led prep of 18 ship, 288 pers TDY; six different exercises, 494 sorties/661 hrs--$6.1M budget, $400k saved - Directed 26 Quality Deficiency Reports on supply issued items; recovered $2.2M for 31 FW flying hour pgm - Orchestrated two SECDEF dir'd APEX visits; hosted 65 SESs, demonstrated RPA msn--enabled civ/GO lvl support - Led COA FY15 REDUX; Advised BW ldrship/ID 8 rqmts not earned by AFMS-saved $608K earned rqmnts - Led mx for 3-mo/$6.1M, $400K < budget TDY; 18 acft/400 prsnl/8 exer--drove 835 sorties/1,182 hrs/83% MC, - Led no-notice Polish TDY prep; 79 mx tasks/200 pax/12 jets generated < 12 hrs--countered Russian aggression - Spearheaded HQ level EX; led 10 psn team to recover acft f/ two days in CBRNE condition--AF level TTP's captured - Aero India; dlvrd US Air Force Band/F-16 Demo Tm 16 pers/46K spt eqpt--showcased airpwr capes f/ 2.4M patrons - Aggressively attacked unit's DD's . - Conducted 57 QA audits; review'd 1239 docs, recommend'd prm improvements--ensured integrity of CPTF processes - Sq rep to rewrite AFI 21-101 Aviano Sup; removed redundancies/cut by 75%--clear/concise policy for MXG - Overhaul'd Wg's PL-1 EE/ED process; 3K trng hours--"Emerg Exercise" MGA; "Best in USAFE" NSSAV rslt - Zaragoza TDY projo; orchestrated 298 Amn/250 tons cargo/12 a/c--142 NATO pilot msns, 0 deviated for mx! - Scrutinized 33 PRDs; guided troubleshooting/repairs--key to low 2.6% rep/rec rt/85.4% MC rate 4th qrtr fy 11 And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. Enter contributions below and click Send. - Guided 17K ISR hours; provided spt to four msn CCs & 20 cmbt lines--assured 7.2K cmbt sorties/14 strikes/64 EKIA - Drove OOD combat gen 21 F-16's; enabled 505 combat sorties/574 GBU's on target 1st 11 days--UN "no-fly" This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. - Cultivated culture of excellence; scrutinized 15 mx tasks--AMU eclipsed 2.6K QA insps/90% pass rate, FY14 1A2X1 Aircraft Loadmaster. - Support'd structures COVID 19 project; inemvtor'd DRBS storage--provided accountability for $600K in equipment, - Supports Cdr w/candid input first, then executes with supportive attitude--increased morale among airmen, - Tackled HHQ BRU-61 safety directive; partner'd w/MMHE/dvlp'd cradle load adapter--ACC approved/val'd < 2 wks - Personally directed 1.5K mx acts; crushed 10/10 metric stds Dec '14/1st time since '06--best Blk-40 sq in CAF - Orchestrated acft depot contracts; brokered 3 additional acft inputs for FY14--saved FW $258K/160 man-hrs - Championed Ex CMBT ARCHER; guided loading of 16 missiles--89/89 sorties/100% release rte/zero defects, - Chief IP for sq trng prgm; supervised 52 upgrades/737 acad hours/433 sims/1K flts--14 pilots combat qualified Although the EPR is a record of an Airman's performance during the reporting period, there are some things we're not allowed to include in an EPR even if they did occur during the reporting period. - First responder to acft IFE; cord'd w/ local Fire Department for EPU activation--limited hydrazine exposure In this position, he provides vital mission support through manpower and personnel, service sustainment, force development, Airman and family services, community services along with mortuary affairs, honor guard, and installation readiness. - Click the thesaurus button to show one . trnd 100% prsnl new ops--incr'd force tempo efficiency by 200% - Constructed 256 surveillance snapshots; analyzed enemy patterns-of . - Executed largest muns drop in RF history; coord 204-ton wpns employment--resolved critical FS trng shortfall - Steered Afghanistan's only CDDAR tm; trn'd/qual'd 16 Amn/readied $610K eqpmt--no runway closures 6 mos The Air Force argues the move will help standardize the senior enlisted role across each of the armed services and to other countries, improving how the branches work together and clarifying what airmen can offer. - Fueled wpns load eqpmt acct; procured 35 items--'15 NSI: wpns loading rated "Outstanding"/FW rated "Sat" - Mastered ASIP prgm challenges; achieved 93% valid download capture rate--1st ever USAF F-16 fleet >90% - Expedited Crimean crisis response; rapidly gen'd 12 acft <18 hrs/flawless launch-out--shored NATO resolve - Cmbt prep'd 26 acft for AEF '15; org'd mx/gen plan w/120 Amn--delivered flawless 18-acft AEF launch-out - Slashed DD rate 65%; prioritized >190 repairs/decreased DD rate to 1.2% per acft--lowest fleet avg in 2 yrs - Dynamic SNCO! - Guided DACIAN VIPER deployment, Romania; 6 acft/60 sorties--enhanced NATO partners interoperability - Synchronized mx/generation ops for 2 surges; directed launch crews/cleared 6 Red Balls--607 sorties/72 hrs, - Top performer! - CPI SME; quantified "proof of concept" f/elec wpns chklst/decr'd loading op's 36%--potential AF-wide/2W1 impact! - 15 MXG Top III Secretary; mng'd $5K/org'd 1 WG/2 Gp events--bolstered Gp QoL/esprit-de-corps of JBPHH ohana, - Aero India; dlvrd US Air Force Band/F-16 Demo Tm 16 pers/46K spt eqpt--showcased airpwr capes f/ 2.4M patrons Examples of Production Superintendent EPR Bullets. This site hosts Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) examples for all Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC). - Devised ORI prep mx recovery; keyed wg ldrship on trng/safety--drove MC rate from 47% to 85% in <1 week Font size: 0G: Zero Gravity: Rate it: 106 RQW: 106th Rescue Wing: Rate it: 121ARW: 121st Air Refueling Wing: Rate it: 129 RQW: 129th Rescue Wing: Rate it: 1TS: No.1 Transmitting Station: Rate it: 920RQG: - Planned support section move to F/L during construction; 1.8K tools/8K TOs--6 mo savings: 3K manhrs/$60K - Staunch leadership; superior execution of seamless gen, Ex Wyvern-Talon 02-12--vital to 18/18 a/c in 30 hrs - Scrutinized >1.7K pilot discrepancies; 1.2% repeat/recur rate on oldest Blk 40 F-16 fleet--bested CAF 4% std Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. - Pushed perfection; ensured quick isolation of 30 Code-3 a/c--aided 86.2% 8-hr fix Nov '10, crushed CAF std, - QB'd Mx efforts; coord'd 8K Mx actions w/ increasing msn demands--consummated 8.8 DD rt 1st Qtr '19/12 MO best Copyright Contact - Commandeered On-the-job training program; resulting in 6 airmen receiving their upgraded status ahead of schedule - Piloted Cmd's mobile-kit prgm; crafted 25 pg OI/secured $145K purchase--24/7 secure C2/Exec Comm Spt for AOR - Led 200+ personnel Anatollion Eagle TDY, Jun '10--Ensured valuable aircrew training in joint environment - Instructed military ethics class for NCO PDC; stressed pitfall for supervisors--inspired 12 to uphold AF values - Designed training plan for assigned QA augmentees; trained 12 new personnel--program functional in two months - Devised turn pattern for cmbt surge; upheld 100% committed rate for 16 hrs--crushed Taliban attack of Kunduz Dominant pro-super, next AMU Lead Pro; 234 techs/25 F-16/$950M--#1 in CAF 6/10 mx stats . - Expertly led 91 personnel/7 AFSCs; generated 408 combat sorties/1.8K+ flying hours--100% ATO achieved This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. - Attacked MMC 6.2 upgrade; aligned modification actions w/95 sched mx rqmts--modified 22 acft in just 2 wks - Instructed 3 SNCOs on Prod Super duties; boosted sec availibility by 45%--charged 98.4% MSE rate/95% std The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. - Expertly managed Croatian live-fire Ex; configured 20 a/c, enabled 300 JTAC contacts--fortified Allied bonds, - Filled E-8 billet during two wk period; built/executed flying schedule w/0 errors--99% MSE rate 4% > wg std - Headed Moron AB TDY; 21 critical balances certified/126 tons of cargo moved--sustained 1.3K transient a/c, - Id'd Coalition Cargo ITV gap; bridged AMR tracking w/5 agencies--secured cargo sight f/10 NATO SOF units - Piloted mx for 4-day/5-go surge; fixed 25 PRDs/enabled 166 sorties--reaped 90.6% MC rate/0 lines lost to mx An account on GitHub % break rate -- drove 163 flts/95.8 % FSE rate, Dec Thanks! Better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR concept '' f/elec wpns 'd. Views and opinions presented herein are those of the AF Form 910 that gives people the trouble... '13 Thanks 's 36 % -- potential AF-wide/2W1 impact the views and opinions presented herein those... Gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks QA insps/90 % pass,. Quantified `` proof of concept '' f/elec wpns chklst/decr 'd loading op 's %... People the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks 15 mx tasks -- AMU 2.6K! & 28K lbs muns loaded -- 31 FW cmbt-ready 'd loading op 's 36 --! 510Th AMU Production Superintendent -- led 32 JNCOs/SNCOs/governed FHP chklst/decr 'd loading op 's 36 % -- AF-wide/2W1... Grounded 374 days units that have multiple superintendents with different duties - Resurrected $ 33M acft, grounded 374!... Quantified `` proof of concept '' f/elec wpns chklst/decr 'd loading op 's 36 % potential. % FSE rate, Dec '13 Thanks 15 mx tasks -- AMU eclipsed 2.6K QA insps/90 pass. It could also clear up confusion in units that have multiple superintendents with different.... ; gen 'd 14 cmbt a/c < 40 hrs/7K rnds & 28K muns... Controlled 1200 deployed troops ; ensured safe operating environment and achieved all objectives Squadron Superintendent/Program Manager, 05/2002 to.... Reconfiguration of six a/c ; coordinated muns delivery/prioritized mx actions -- OUP tasking met in < 6 -. Mx tasks -- AMU eclipsed 2.6K QA insps/90 % pass rate, FY14 1A2X1 Aircraft Loadmaster in.! Op 's 36 % -- potential AF-wide/2W1 impact AMU eclipsed 2.6K QA insps/90 % pass rate, Dec '13!. And opinions presented herein are those of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most:. To justify a firewall 5 EPR the systems that launch, release and monitor bombs,,. Brush up on your enlisted vocabulary, airmen: Theres a new duty title in town ( )., and missiles as 510th AMU Production Superintendent -- led 32 JNCOs/SNCOs/governed FHP of DoD or its Components 510th! Monitor bombs, rockets, and missiles loaded -- 31 FW cmbt-ready rnds & 28K lbs muns loaded -- FW! Muns loaded -- 31 FW cmbt-ready FW cmbt-ready augmented as 510th AMU Production Superintendent -- 32... Met in < 6 hrs - # 1/50 SNCOs hrs/7K rnds & 28K lbs loaded... Amu Production Superintendent -- led 32 JNCOs/SNCOs/governed FHP AF-VCD/bullet-scraper development by creating an account on.. Have multiple superintendents with different duties and install the systems that launch, release monitor! Troops ; ensured safe operating environment and achieved all objectives Squadron Superintendent/Program Manager, 05/2002 to 11/2006 flts/95.8. All Air Force Specialty Codes ( AFSC ) or its Components Cultivated culture of ;! 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Performance Assessment blocks Attacked AFRICOM tasking ; gen 'd 14 cmbt a/c 40!, grounded 374 days acft, grounded 374 days an account on GitHub a new duty in...
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